Huron County in Michigan uses area code 989. On this page, you will see the physical addresses and contact information of the most relevant government agencies in Huron County, including the Clerk’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and the Health Department.
120 South Heisterman St.
Bad Axe, Michigan 48413
Phone: (989) 269-6500
Fax: (989) 269-9811
250 E. Huron Avenue
Room# 105
Bad Axe, MI 48413
Phone: (989) 269-9987
Magistrate Court Phone: (989) 269-7201
Fax: (989) 269-6167
250 E. Huron Avenue
Room# 207
Bad Axe, MI 48413
Phone: (989) 269-7112
Fax: (989) 269-0005
250 E. Huron Avenue
Room# 206
Bad Axe, Michigan 48413
Phone: (989) 269-9944
Fax: (989) 269-0004
250 E. Huron Avenue
Room# 201
Bad Axe, MI 48413
Phone: (989) 269-9942
Fax: (989) 269-6160
250 E. Huron Avenue
Room# 204
Bad Axe, Michigan 48413
Phone: (989) 269-9238
120 South Heisterman Street, Bad Axe, MI 48413
Phone: (989) 269-6500
Bad Axe, MI 48413
Non-Emergency Phone: (989) 269-6421
420 S. Hanselman St., Bad Axe, MI 48413
Phone: (989) 269-7171
1911 Sand Beach Rd., Bad Axe, MI 48413
Phone: (989) 269-9201
1142 S. Van Dyke Rd.
Bad Axe, MI 48413
Phone: (989) 269-9721
Fax: (989) 269-4181